Having recently configured AndroidStudio to use a RAM disk for Gradle, I thought I would look around and see if I can use the remaining space for Opera. This is essentially a reproduction of this fine page: http://www.ghacks.net/2010/10/20/how-to-change-the-opera-cache-directory/
That page does not deal with Macs though and after a little bit of experimentation I came up with this spell:
Make sure that the specified folder exists before starting Opera, if might automatically create the folder for you but I didn't bother to find out, I hate disappointment.
And for the record, the way I create a RAM disk on my iMac, which is done automatically when I log in, is like this:
Thanks to Bartech TV then!
So, with Turbo mode on and a RAM disk, my late 2012 iMac feels well nippy again.
That page does not deal with Macs though and after a little bit of experimentation I came up with this spell:
open /Applications/Opera.app/ --args --disk-cache-dir=/Volumes/RamDisk/operaFor the record, here is my Opera version:
Make sure that the specified folder exists before starting Opera, if might automatically create the folder for you but I didn't bother to find out, I hate disappointment.
And for the record, the way I create a RAM disk on my iMac, which is done automatically when I log in, is like this:
diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "RamDisk" `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://4194304`The above line was courtesy of this YouTube video:
Thanks to Bartech TV then!
So, with Turbo mode on and a RAM disk, my late 2012 iMac feels well nippy again.
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